Welcome to this webpage. Here, bots for games are discussed. This discussion concerns a larger family of bots and then narrows it down to the bots used in online casinos. This involves discussing the definition, categories, and examples of bots used for various functions in the gaming experience. We also discuss poker bots as they are the most common types of casino bots.
The benefits of using bots in online gaming are discussed here, including the tasks that bots perform in the video game environment. Expanding on the gaming environment, the categorisation bots based on a single or multi-player environment and characteristics embedded therein will be discussed here. Further, various types of bots are discussed, including general purpose, engagement, music, and automatic gaming bots with shared examples.
As it pertains to the bots used in online casinos, the acceptance and rejection of bots in web-based casinos are discussed. This is followed by a discussion of the issues that need to be considered when buying bots for use in web-based casinos as a business. The risks involved and the implications are further shared.
In the last three articles on poker online bots, the first article addresses how the bots actually work in a poker setting while the second details the concept legality and the possible issues surrounding the massive hunt down of bots in web-based poker games. All these articles are written with the reader in mind, whether a gambler or gamer that desires to understand the issue or someone intending to use bots.
Online Casino and new technology
New online casinos are getting better and better. Just read some online casino reviews and you will realize that the development of technology has lead to a situation where online casinos are looking more awesome and including amazing new features and functions. There is always something going on behind the scenes at online casinos, and this obviously requires some bots as well.
We haven’t yet seen bots at online casinos’ customer support, but most likely this will happen in the next five years. Many companies and industries are already taking advantage of the possibility of using bots as an addition to the regular customer support in their live chats. So far the bots are performing only minor tasks and mainly focusing on guiding the customers to the right customer support agent. For some reason, online casinos reviewed by comparison sites haven’t started using these kinds of bots yet.
Why not? As already mentioned in this article, using bots races some important questions about security. This means that online casinos are not too keen on having bots that could possibly be hacked from outside. Bots are also always just bots (at least in the year 2019). This means that the quality of customer support can never be as good as it is when customers are chatting with real people.
However, bots can be used in other parts of the online casino’s communications systems. For instance newsletters that you as a player can sometimes receive, can be automated and sent with the help of bots.